____     ___                   __  _         
/ ____ / ____ ______ _ ___ _/ /_(____ ___
_/ // _ \/ _/ _ \/ __/ ' / _ `/ __/ / _ \/ _ \
/___/_//_/_/ \___/_/ /_/_/_\_,_/\__/_/\___/_//_/
vB Version: 3.6.5Rating:  (6 votes - 4.67 average)Installs67
Released: 08 Jun 2006Last Update: NeverDownloads301

The original version can be found here.

Updated to include 3.6.0 search features.

To install import the product xml and perform the template edit found in the install file.

Note, the template edit is placed in the footer, but it can be placed anywhere as you find appropraite for your site, including in the navbar.

The default template included is a default navbar links set, which can be edited to your requirements.

If you use this, please click install.

   ____                     ______      __    
/ _____________ ___ ___ / __/ / ___ / /____
_\ \/ __/ __/ -_/ -_/ _ \_\ \/ _ / _ / __(_-<
/___/\__/_/ \__/\__/_//_/___/_//_\___\__/___/

 ___                                 __
/ _ \___ ____ ____ _____ _______/ /
/ ___/ _ `(_-<(_-| |/|/ / _ \/ __/ _ /
/_/ \_,_/___/___|__,__/\___/_/ \_,_/

   ___                  __            ___            __   _      __     
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/ // / _ | |/|/ / _ \/ / _ / _ `/ _ / / _ / _ `/ / /__/ / _ \/ '_(_-<
/____/\___|__,__/_//_/_/\___\_,_/\_,_/_/_//_\_, / /____/_/_//_/_/\_/___/

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